Onboarding Director, Ardo Mardisoo

Funderbeamer exclusive bio

3 min readMar 9, 2017



I can’t dance, I can’t talk.

Only thing about me is the way I walk.

I can’t dance, I can’t sing.

I’m just standing here selling everything.

Genesis got half of this right when they wrote this song about our Onboarding Director, Ardo Mardisoo ;-) . The other half, they got completely wrong because he CAN dance, talk, and sing. We have proof of this below!

Our charismatic and fun-loving Ardo has been entertaining us with his talents for quite some time but his skills go well beyond the stage. With experience as a sales director and at global software companies, Ardo is uniquely fit for his role here at Funderbeam.

Ardo is always full of positive energy… and he sings! Even when he’s having a tough day, he’ll look at you with his eyes shining and sing a few lines. But be careful, if you hear him sing you will fall in love with him just like we all have!— Founder and CEO, Kaidi Ruusalepp

For those looking to raise a round or list their assets on Funderbeam, Ardo is your go-to point of contact. As soon as you’ve completed our short online form detailing a bit about what you’re looking to accomplish — Ardo will be the guy providing deeper insights about raising/listing on Funderbeam and get you started in our evaluation process.

Ardo embodies a salesman’s four most sought after qualities: patience, persistence, positivity, and passion. — Cofounder, Urmas Peiker

In addition to his professional accolades, Ardo is the frontman and vocalist for a local band, an avid sportsman (basketball, skiing, orienteering, etc.), and a devoted family man.

You can see more photos of Ardo below… and a special treat:

Thanks for reading this far!



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